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A word about our site features

Welcome to BJP's design and tech blog! This is the first entry on our new site. There are two type of posts we will have here: project highlights and vlog/blog articles about design and web technologies! For those of you who are with us here in early November, 2022, we will be blogging the entire process of planning, designing, developing and managing a site using Pinegrow for our first series. We look forward to sharing our experience with you and hearing your thoughts too.

Best, Rodney T. Little

Why choose Craft CMS for your website?
Craft CMS has evolved into a powerful publishing platform that is friendly to designers, developers and site administrators alike!
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Planning a website design & development project?
Does your team lose sleep planning for your new website project? Rest east with a solid plan for a killer design & dev strategy that turns clicks into clients!
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The Birth of a Site

Have you ever wondered what is involved in creating a website from start to finish? Join us as we walk you through the process we went through to launch this site. 

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Project Highlights

Radio BJP